Oh my…… I’m telling you. If I were her friend standing right next to her and I hear someone scream her name? Imma run over to that person like a damnnn cheetah and the rest is history
who the heck interrupted! hah must be that pink hair dude
also lmao starting panel was funny pfft
titi tati whatever her name is so beyond shameless duh I wish FL never interrupted her mom back then 😀 hehe
Is it me or is the artist a k-pop fan coz those Goo-Goo eyes are just so ehhh-.. still I thought its only weird to the king but now we can see it on andy (kinda weird but unique too, like dont look serious and scary)… and the only suited one is on rey but he’s an Axxxwhole .. uhhg (dont wann even say it blegh!) Haiz
Josh Thankgosh
Oh my…… I’m telling you. If I were her friend standing right next to her and I hear someone scream her name? Imma run over to that person like a damnnn cheetah and the rest is history
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
“i cancel those romantic words” huh??? what the hell is that supposed to mean?? im literally just guessing what they say at this point
Gosh these dudes are so brainwashed they r blind atm 🙄🙄
who the heck interrupted! hah must be that pink hair dude
also lmao starting panel was funny pfft
titi tati whatever her name is so beyond shameless duh I wish FL never interrupted her mom back then 😀 hehe
I want to know what is this so called promise that this b*tch promised this guy was it opening her legs to the crown prince😒
Please Love the Villainess
Is it me or is the artist a k-pop fan coz those Goo-Goo eyes are just so ehhh-.. still I thought its only weird to the king but now we can see it on andy (kinda weird but unique too, like dont look serious and scary)… and the only suited one is on rey but he’s an Axxxwhole .. uhhg (dont wann even say it blegh!) Haiz
Princess Duck
Leave her alone, mofo
Dammit who freaking ruined the mood I am about to bitch slap that person right now!!!!😡🤬
Moment ruined!!!😫😫
Also… i think I’m finally getting used to Aster’s— more accurately, Ken’s😜— art style 😂