EarthPotato I think she tries to spread the medical knowledge so that the rate of usage for miracle plant would decrease, also the price for doctor is cheaper since the other family have a monopoly on miracle plant. October 30, 2024 at 9:27 am Log in to Reply
k11182 using own skin from other places to replace damaged one is also efective. Lives larger scars thou…. July 13, 2024 at 11:39 pm Log in to Reply
DarkRoseCharm I felt so bad for him to be a test subject I bet he was completely terrified July 11, 2024 at 8:15 pm Log in to Reply
I think she tries to spread the medical knowledge so that the rate of usage for miracle plant would decrease, also the price for doctor is cheaper since the other family have a monopoly on miracle plant.
using own skin from other places to replace damaged one is also efective. Lives larger scars thou….
I felt so bad for him to be a test subject I bet he was completely terrified