Gonna explain why dad is so crappy & negligent? Like, it’s obviously not some crazy infectious thing, so refusing to see your own child seems a pretty dick move…
cause its a child asking AND CHILDREN HAVE NO FILTER what if the info gets leaked.. she already said in the intro, solgrens are also royall descent yall are mad.. never seen that video of a kid telling they whole famolys business saying their mom go to target and get things for free or some shit
Damn y’all jump to conclusions so easily. Also I am sure someone wouldn’t want a 6 year old to know about their dad’s sickness that is probably deadly.
Gonna explain why dad is so crappy & negligent? Like, it’s obviously not some crazy infectious thing, so refusing to see your own child seems a pretty dick move…
cause its a child asking AND CHILDREN HAVE NO FILTER what if the info gets leaked.. she already said in the intro, solgrens are also royall descent yall are mad.. never seen that video of a kid telling they whole famolys business saying their mom go to target and get things for free or some shit
Damn y’all jump to conclusions so easily. Also I am sure someone wouldn’t want a 6 year old to know about their dad’s sickness that is probably deadly.
It’s her dad it would be weirder if she didn’t ask???💢
because its her fucking father ??!!!
is this guy a type of playboy