I freaking knew he was obsessed with her since before they met at school but I thought his obsession started after seeing the clay dolls she created, are you telling me it possibly started when they were children and met just once 😂??
Well, I see two major reasons why she decided to follow along with this otherwise stupid plan. One, she needs information on why and how these people from the Wyndham/Whyndam family killed her mother and there’s no better way to find out but to be in the eye of the hurracain, which is the very family that might be responsible for the deed and what better way to be within the family’s records, secrets and whatnot than become its future lady by getting engaged with the very person she now knows helpped the fake princess get her way… Two, to help her current home-kingdom by getting as much information about them as possible and as much information of their kingdom in general as she can possibly come across. She’s a spy and for a spy, even when it’s dangerous, there’s not better source of information than the house of the most prominent family in that very kingdom. So… I don’t think she’s stupid at all, she knows very well what she’s doing.
I am not sure who the ML is or who the true enemies are. I just know that Perry’s life is complicated. The reason why they killed her mother was to get to her but for what reason we do not know. Just to abuse and do tests on her in a tower? I can under if their is a redemption arc for her brothers but not her father. I do not understand why someone so powerful would believe that the only way to protect someone is to abandon them. The mental issue Perry has though all of this. . . . . .
Tbh I don’t mind this, sure he’s crazy but it’s better than the thought of being dragged back to the other crazy family. Also if all I have to do is act like a loving couple I’m game. Not to mention think about all the info she can give the Holy Empire now. I know someone is going to disagree lol.
I freaking knew he was obsessed with her since before they met at school but I thought his obsession started after seeing the clay dolls she created, are you telling me it possibly started when they were children and met just once 😂??
AGAIN tell me just why the fl agree?? she wants another drama ego or she is just stupid?
Well, I see two major reasons why she decided to follow along with this otherwise stupid plan. One, she needs information on why and how these people from the Wyndham/Whyndam family killed her mother and there’s no better way to find out but to be in the eye of the hurracain, which is the very family that might be responsible for the deed and what better way to be within the family’s records, secrets and whatnot than become its future lady by getting engaged with the very person she now knows helpped the fake princess get her way… Two, to help her current home-kingdom by getting as much information about them as possible and as much information of their kingdom in general as she can possibly come across. She’s a spy and for a spy, even when it’s dangerous, there’s not better source of information than the house of the most prominent family in that very kingdom. So… I don’t think she’s stupid at all, she knows very well what she’s doing.
I am not sure who the ML is or who the true enemies are. I just know that Perry’s life is complicated. The reason why they killed her mother was to get to her but for what reason we do not know. Just to abuse and do tests on her in a tower? I can under if their is a redemption arc for her brothers but not her father. I do not understand why someone so powerful would believe that the only way to protect someone is to abandon them. The mental issue Perry has though all of this. . . . . .
Tbh I don’t mind this, sure he’s crazy but it’s better than the thought of being dragged back to the other crazy family. Also if all I have to do is act like a loving couple I’m game. Not to mention think about all the info she can give the Holy Empire now. I know someone is going to disagree lol.
Isn’t the ML the white haired one?