I mean I do see the point of og fl he literally kill her whole family and destroyed her village I wouldn’t want someone like that so close to my Best friend
I don’t usually say this, but the original FL comes across as a bit self centered. Her blaming him and accusing him of acting out of hatred towards her felt so unreasonable. What does any of this have to do with Daphne? Even if he did it for her, it would come across as love, especially given Daphne’s past behavior. And the maid blaming him too? Why isn’t anyone holding the bodyguard accountable when he’s the one who failed at his job? While the Prince may be a bit cold, I can’t help but pity him, everyone seems so quick to place all the blame on him.
I mean I do see the point of og fl he literally kill her whole family and destroyed her village I wouldn’t want someone like that so close to my Best friend
Mother Henry
I don’t trust that blonde
I don’t usually say this, but the original FL comes across as a bit self centered. Her blaming him and accusing him of acting out of hatred towards her felt so unreasonable. What does any of this have to do with Daphne? Even if he did it for her, it would come across as love, especially given Daphne’s past behavior. And the maid blaming him too? Why isn’t anyone holding the bodyguard accountable when he’s the one who failed at his job? While the Prince may be a bit cold, I can’t help but pity him, everyone seems so quick to place all the blame on him.