Harden is still gay. He knows this. And she knows this. I don’t think you guys realize how hard it is to come out. From the media, it seems easy but it’s not. You can lose everything or nothing. Your parents might seem to care for the LGBTQ+ community but when their child comes out then sometimes they get really angry.
He isn’t trying to be straight. Not really. He is well aware of how society would view him if he comes out. He kissed Ellie out of hope that he could feel “something” not necessarily “love” but enough of some affection for her. Then he could marry her and have at least one child for an heir (there were and are many gay people who have done this). But he quickly realized it wouldn’t be possible which is another reason he cried. He won’t be able to take the head of the family position from his brother and he realized that now.
Lol dont be naive. A man claiming he is foing this for your own goodthen after confessing you’re his type, then asking if he could kiss you? NOPE- He’s after something elseee
Renon! Let’s go! Don’t end up being a tool; I don’t think my heart could take it. He’s doing what any reasonable man would do when he hears a father’s abuse had driven his daughter mute… But he’s also doing what one would do if they wanted said mute girl to trust him enough to spill all the secrets she’s heard.
Sleeping with another woman isn’t a deal breaker. There’s nothing wrong with having experience, as long as there’s no cheating involved.
Unlike Haiden, he is both into women and trying to get to know her as a person.
agreed. he’s looking ultra sus.
The way he quickly goes to romantic questions while also emphasizing his “skill” ???Proposing to get her to speak after learning she’s a walking vault of secrets.????? And this one is just me assuming; he’s also manipulating Heidin on the side.
Ah ilah ko ga ad cowo yg gua suka ya.. yg satu gay (jelaslah ga tertarik), yg satu lagi cowo dgn karakter paling gua benci dimuka bumi yaitu main perempuan.. hhh dhlh
? hmm..I guessed,a man like Haiden is not bad..being into men but he’s not so sure about it at all….while this black haired dude spent many nights with women…it will sure break my heart..a cunning playboy huh..too good with words..who are you deceiving boy…
Harden is still gay. He knows this. And she knows this. I don’t think you guys realize how hard it is to come out. From the media, it seems easy but it’s not. You can lose everything or nothing. Your parents might seem to care for the LGBTQ+ community but when their child comes out then sometimes they get really angry.
He isn’t trying to be straight. Not really. He is well aware of how society would view him if he comes out. He kissed Ellie out of hope that he could feel “something” not necessarily “love” but enough of some affection for her. Then he could marry her and have at least one child for an heir (there were and are many gay people who have done this). But he quickly realized it wouldn’t be possible which is another reason he cried. He won’t be able to take the head of the family position from his brother and he realized that now.
Lol dont be naive. A man claiming he is foing this for your own goodthen after confessing you’re his type, then asking if he could kiss you? NOPE- He’s after something elseee
Nah dont trust this guy, he just want to get in ur pants.
Renon! Let’s go! Don’t end up being a tool; I don’t think my heart could take it. He’s doing what any reasonable man would do when he hears a father’s abuse had driven his daughter mute… But he’s also doing what one would do if they wanted said mute girl to trust him enough to spill all the secrets she’s heard.
Sleeping with another woman isn’t a deal breaker. There’s nothing wrong with having experience, as long as there’s no cheating involved.
Unlike Haiden, he is both into women and trying to get to know her as a person.
Ah gawd, so many sexual harassment in the workplace! Lol
why is everyone wants to kiss her all of a sudden ??
This guy kinda sus
agreed. he’s looking ultra sus.
The way he quickly goes to romantic questions while also emphasizing his “skill” ???Proposing to get her to speak after learning she’s a walking vault of secrets.????? And this one is just me assuming; he’s also manipulating Heidin on the side.
Ah ilah ko ga ad cowo yg gua suka ya.. yg satu gay (jelaslah ga tertarik), yg satu lagi cowo dgn karakter paling gua benci dimuka bumi yaitu main perempuan.. hhh dhlh
So far, I don’t like any if the MLs, i read chapter 0 and saw a white-haired guy in it…. is he the real ML?
? hmm..I guessed,a man like Haiden is not bad..being into men but he’s not so sure about it at all….while this black haired dude spent many nights with women…it will sure break my heart..a cunning playboy huh..too good with words..who are you deceiving boy…
he said that he meet this one girl in a regular basis so i think he only have one woman ig? but he spend a lot of night with her so?♀️
I actually like this black guy, but the fact that he spent nights with others is a bit…
blakc haired guy*