PizzaParty She’s either a goddess or a saintess, it seems old creepy whitey or whatever is bent on eliminating other gods and godessess, which if she was one would explain why he’s obsessed with her dying December 26, 2024 at 4:43 pm Log in to Reply
Alm0ndtofu Nooo i caught up 😭😭 need to know what happens next ಥ‿ಥ March 18, 2024 at 9:06 pm Log in to Reply
She’s either a goddess or a saintess, it seems old creepy whitey or whatever is bent on eliminating other gods and godessess, which if she was one would explain why he’s obsessed with her dying
Ohhhhh shoot he’s here🫢
Wdymm?? Who is hee??
Noo I caught up lmao I have to wait months now
Nooo i caught up 😭😭 need to know what happens next ಥ‿ಥ