… Evil sister was saying what we’ve all been saying. FL was being unrealistic and putting Fleta at risk so she wouldn’t have to face hard truths about her own family.’
Also, Vivian did almost go in to save Fleta, could there be redemption? I think that would be a much more interesting turn for the character/the story
I agree with FabledSable… harsh as it is… the sister did not lie.
What they are afraid of, is not a fable, but the reality that we already saw happening!
I hope that our Fl will be enough support to help Fleta and for her to gain even more allies and poositive experiences.
I don’t think Vivian said a single lie tbh. In fact I agree more with her than FL. In first timeline instead of being wishy washy the right thing to do was to kill the contractor of the disaster that’ll destroy the country. She (and even our FL) had ZERO actual bond with Fleta in that TL to feel burdened about choosing the safety of everyone in the country over a single person. No matter how much you love your dog you’ll put him down if he gets rabies. You won’t let him remain crazed and go around hurting everyone. And Fleta was something similar to a mindless destructive being at the end in 1st TL(minus the emotional bond of course.b they were practically strangers and I’d pick my dog’s life over a stranger’s safety any given day). And in second TL FL still shouldn’t have wasted her time after that meeting with the emperor went downhill… (Not to mention that any royals’ thought on meeting a potential future national level catastrophe that they’re unsure of controlling would’ve been How To Get Rid Of It and not how to raise it into a beautiful little angel. No matter what their final conversation was like, they still had zero bonds at the first meeting..). But since that thought didn’t occur to her, I never thought I’ll say this but, she should’ve used the most cliche plot device in history of reincarnated FL novels— The ‘Contract Marriage ’. She should’ve proposed the Duke and left there at the earliest instead of hanging around and giving the kid more reason to hate her family🤦
Well Vivian is far more vivid than MC. She actually feels/acts like a person while MC feels like just another Mary Sue saintly heroine… I wish Vivian got the chance to get reincarnated.
Yes girl. About dang time! Get the hell out of there. The emperor might disapprove since his thinking of you as the next heir to the throne but who dang cares.
Why tf did she even hesitated to stay in that family? Her family treated a child like trash. And she knew it herself that if she was in Flieta’s shoes, she would be toss away.
… Evil sister was saying what we’ve all been saying. FL was being unrealistic and putting Fleta at risk so she wouldn’t have to face hard truths about her own family.’
Also, Vivian did almost go in to save Fleta, could there be redemption? I think that would be a much more interesting turn for the character/the story
Valhalla's dream.
@acebyfar true…. she said what I have been thinking all along.
I hate Vivian, but she spat facts this chapter
Vivian ain’t wrong though… She was being realistic.
I agree with FabledSable… harsh as it is… the sister did not lie.
What they are afraid of, is not a fable, but the reality that we already saw happening!
I hope that our Fl will be enough support to help Fleta and for her to gain even more allies and poositive experiences.
I don’t think Vivian said a single lie tbh. In fact I agree more with her than FL. In first timeline instead of being wishy washy the right thing to do was to kill the contractor of the disaster that’ll destroy the country. She (and even our FL) had ZERO actual bond with Fleta in that TL to feel burdened about choosing the safety of everyone in the country over a single person. No matter how much you love your dog you’ll put him down if he gets rabies. You won’t let him remain crazed and go around hurting everyone. And Fleta was something similar to a mindless destructive being at the end in 1st TL(minus the emotional bond of course.b they were practically strangers and I’d pick my dog’s life over a stranger’s safety any given day). And in second TL FL still shouldn’t have wasted her time after that meeting with the emperor went downhill… (Not to mention that any royals’ thought on meeting a potential future national level catastrophe that they’re unsure of controlling would’ve been How To Get Rid Of It and not how to raise it into a beautiful little angel. No matter what their final conversation was like, they still had zero bonds at the first meeting..). But since that thought didn’t occur to her, I never thought I’ll say this but, she should’ve used the most cliche plot device in history of reincarnated FL novels— The ‘Contract Marriage ’. She should’ve proposed the Duke and left there at the earliest instead of hanging around and giving the kid more reason to hate her family🤦
Well Vivian is far more vivid than MC. She actually feels/acts like a person while MC feels like just another Mary Sue saintly heroine… I wish Vivian got the chance to get reincarnated.
Yes girl. About dang time! Get the hell out of there. The emperor might disapprove since his thinking of you as the next heir to the throne but who dang cares.
Why tf did she even hesitated to stay in that family? Her family treated a child like trash. And she knew it herself that if she was in Flieta’s shoes, she would be toss away.
YASSS!!! I was thinking about it all the time as the best solution. I’m glad she finally think about it
What an unexpected event
Wait what?!!!!
Whatttttttt!!!!!! 🫣
Yes get Married and become a Family for Fleta
I hate vivian but I love what she said in this chapter.