Tbh I think sizan still acknowledges her dad isn’t the loving father she grew to see him as. She even saw a sight into how he treats her full blood related family so she seems uneasy with him, just appeasing him so she can research stuff about fleta’s familiar and the darkness.
I’m not asking sizan to hate her dad
but dude doesn’t care for his other kids
yeye FL (im considering fletta as fl not the sister) was abused and neglected with no love at all
his other kids except sizan were constantly compared ans belittled if they’re r feeling jealous and clearly can c lack of love
sizan only sees her point of view coz she clearly forgets her dad didn’t give a fuck about fletta and he doesn’t give a duck about his other kids except her which says a lot
Are we forgetting why you are angry with him, you know he basically threw your sister in the bin…
And he also seems to be only angry because your other sister caused a commotion in the party, not that she was trying to poison a child.
Wait the King also have a 🔺️ in his circle magic
Maybe I’m mistaken but the other don’t have it
Tbh I think sizan still acknowledges her dad isn’t the loving father she grew to see him as. She even saw a sight into how he treats her full blood related family so she seems uneasy with him, just appeasing him so she can research stuff about fleta’s familiar and the darkness.
I’m not asking sizan to hate her dad
but dude doesn’t care for his other kids
yeye FL (im considering fletta as fl not the sister) was abused and neglected with no love at all
his other kids except sizan were constantly compared ans belittled if they’re r feeling jealous and clearly can c lack of love
sizan only sees her point of view coz she clearly forgets her dad didn’t give a fuck about fletta and he doesn’t give a duck about his other kids except her which says a lot
I honestly do not like or trust the dad like not not even a little bit
Are we forgetting why you are angry with him, you know he basically threw your sister in the bin…
And he also seems to be only angry because your other sister caused a commotion in the party, not that she was trying to poison a child.
Guess who
Just who tf was that??🤨