I Believe wholeheartedly and with the utmost confidence that the translations displayed upon this manuscript are unnecessarily verbose and include within them words of excessive formality.
Whoa the translation is gooood and the art is so beautifull idk why but I really like the translation cause it connects with the story that is set in historic times, I can widen my vocabulary with these type of translation 😊👍
Damn the translation is some kind of old English or what? its too deep to comprehend with my simple mind that knows only modern basic english lol.🩸🩸🩸👃👃🤥
I Believe wholeheartedly and with the utmost confidence that the translations displayed upon this manuscript are unnecessarily verbose and include within them words of excessive formality.
Well, that was fun. To think it ended this quickly though. 😂
Badabing Badaboom
LETS GOOO I had fun reading this chapter. Ong it had me voice acting over the lines with a British accent
-Yusa is Unavailable-
I do not understand this old a** English
That’s not “old ass English”; it’s a bad attempt by someone who doesn’t grasp it. Should have just used normal dialogue…
its hard for me to understand this bcs english is my 2nd language but honestly this is kind interesting
Yup. The name reduced my interest to ZERO
This deep English gave me headache
damn actual ye olde english. that’s interesting
@Indhuma Pwahahhaha 😭
Found an ancient language manhwa finally, now let’s learn new language 💀
Architect 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Woah i like the language that they use
Crystal T
I don’t really understand… Was this written by Shakespeare?
Whoa the translation is gooood and the art is so beautifull idk why but I really like the translation cause it connects with the story that is set in historic times, I can widen my vocabulary with these type of translation 😊👍
Damn the translation is some kind of old English or what? its too deep to comprehend with my simple mind that knows only modern basic english lol.🩸🩸🩸👃👃🤥
Of all name why sethan? Satan? Syaitan? Ughhh