So that’s it? I thought she would extract some info from her uncle or something. So she only went ahead and informed her uncle that she discovered something and then left? Well congrats now they will keep their guard up and will target you more. She should’ve just kept quiet and investigate in secret but I see she chose to blabber.
“I’ll make you regret it” my foot you damn h*e! You’re the one who’s gonna be in double regret, so whatever the f*ck you’re scheming, leave it cuz it won’t work boomer. :p
What is this weak shit?, what happen to your “mad dog” title?, is that all you can do?, I was expecting more, disappointing.
She should’ve just killed her uncle. After all, the emperor is backing her.
So that’s it? I thought she would extract some info from her uncle or something. So she only went ahead and informed her uncle that she discovered something and then left? Well congrats now they will keep their guard up and will target you more. She should’ve just kept quiet and investigate in secret but I see she chose to blabber.
“I’ll make you regret it” my foot you damn h*e! You’re the one who’s gonna be in double regret, so whatever the f*ck you’re scheming, leave it cuz it won’t work boomer. :p