On page 16 she says she enjoyed helping her parents with the businesses when she was younger but set it aside when she was chasing icky-man. So I think it’s more of a “sorry I quit, can I have my job back” than starting from scratch. She needs to prove that she’s serious and not going to fluff it off again when something else comes along.
what she said makes no sense, isn’t she suppossed to have lots of business at her name and whenever she invests on a place they get famous and prosperous? isn’t she managing them? or at least involved a little bit on them? even if the size of those business is way smaller in contrast with her family main company, she has achieved and has been learning things, is it the korean thing of humbling yourself as a way of respect when asking for something??
ebook dragon
On page 16 she says she enjoyed helping her parents with the businesses when she was younger but set it aside when she was chasing icky-man. So I think it’s more of a “sorry I quit, can I have my job back” than starting from scratch. She needs to prove that she’s serious and not going to fluff it off again when something else comes along.
Dad want a third child but got rejected
what she said makes no sense, isn’t she suppossed to have lots of business at her name and whenever she invests on a place they get famous and prosperous? isn’t she managing them? or at least involved a little bit on them? even if the size of those business is way smaller in contrast with her family main company, she has achieved and has been learning things, is it the korean thing of humbling yourself as a way of respect when asking for something??
The moment they find out he won’t be the Duke, it would be like:
“Oh a giant teddy bear like man who needs a family? Welp he’s our now! “
Why so short😭😭