FINALLY!! HOLY CARP (yes like the fish) THAT TOOK THEM LITERALLY 82 CHAPTERS!!! They are the cutest yet most frustrating people I have ever read about! I don’t know if I should be really happy or really upset that it took them so long!
But look how General what’s-his-name actually shows he cares!
@Maguna aint the holy carp a pokokmieon thing
Hey dupree! The Saintess is in danger you better be there to save her. (if not I hope the Saintess can save herself)
FINALLY!! HOLY CARP (yes like the fish) THAT TOOK THEM LITERALLY 82 CHAPTERS!!! They are the cutest yet most frustrating people I have ever read about! I don’t know if I should be really happy or really upset that it took them so long!
But look how General what’s-his-name actually shows he cares!