Omg hahaha what’s happening 😂 Poor Viche is in shock how can the og saintess fl like his cousin, that too Duff 🤣 Now imagine if they were really to become a couple and get married they’ll have endless discussions about those novels
Ahahha I was actually thinking of shipping them so I was a bit disappointed that it was priests michell… Now, that’s what I’m talking about ahaha they’re actually perfect for each other there interest in hmm is match made 😂
Omg hahaha what’s happening 😂 Poor Viche is in shock how can the og saintess fl like his cousin, that too Duff 🤣 Now imagine if they were really to become a couple and get married they’ll have endless discussions about those novels
Ahahha I was actually thinking of shipping them so I was a bit disappointed that it was priests michell… Now, that’s what I’m talking about ahaha they’re actually perfect for each other there interest in hmm is match made 😂