I Raised Him Modestly, But He Came Back Obsessed With Me - Chapter 17
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Glow up!
Dude below Toris, why even you need to use real life logic on a goddamn fiction
Makes me laugh how someone is getting so hot headed over a fictional character getting swoll so quickly. It’s been 4 years. He was already stretching and getting bigger. It actually can happen. He was malnourished. If he dedicates himself to eating more and bulking up it is very possible to get this body. He even explained how his bones ached cuz of the rapid stretching. Men keep growing until 21. Unlike females that mature by 19. So yes it is actually possible for him to get this tall and big in that timeframe. Same thing happened to my brother. He went from 5’6 to 6’1 in two years. Has hella stretch marks to prove it. Also chill….it’s a freaking fictional story.
Is he a body-builder or what?!
Its borderline ridiculous!
How could a scrawny guy naturally turn x4 times bulkier in a matter of a few years?! Its only possible if his main occupation is a body-builder otherwise its total nonsense.
These artists really!!
The translation is trashy, the plot is clumsy and now heres the arts. My gosh…
I don’t know how much more I’d continue reading this. Since there are comics far worse than this I’ll stick around for now…just curious about how she’ll be dealing with the original plot.
Nice thank you
Ok whos the dumb bitch who uploaded trash from treemanga? Do you choose death?
Yes! He is finally back