every one of them are trying to control her and the dragon, I would be pissed. Of course Wu would feel murderous. With how everyone has been treating them, he’s an immature person, it’s a learning process to teach negotiation to someone who doesn’t need to use it because they have immense power….
I still full out do NOT understand why she had to lie and plead guilty, feels like plot device rather than sound logic.
If the DEPUTY CHEIF knew she didn’t do it, and there’s a trail of evidence, as well as the actual dragon who know this, the fact that she’s being forced into this situation is more annoying than plot conflict
The way they let him in as a witness with evidence but he only says a bunch of Bs to make her and the dragon mad and then they collar her like an animal???Who wouldn’t want to kill someone during that? Who would want to be his slave for the rest of their life I’d give him a death glare too. Then he phases it like he’s helping her and he so concerned, he’s suspicious and crazy
I hate this blondie. She was having such a peaceful life and Noah doesn’t have anything to do with anyone in this world, this poor woman is getting attacked and stressed entirely because of external factors and past doing of og elanor
Women sure are fragile and easily coerced. If the MC was a guy, he would have wreaked havock there and force them into an agreement with both sides condition are heared.
every one of them are trying to control her and the dragon, I would be pissed. Of course Wu would feel murderous. With how everyone has been treating them, he’s an immature person, it’s a learning process to teach negotiation to someone who doesn’t need to use it because they have immense power….
Wow, to think that this story can even be more pathetic
then why are you reading it
This is why I fucking hate him he’s such a pain in the ass
I still full out do NOT understand why she had to lie and plead guilty, feels like plot device rather than sound logic.
If the DEPUTY CHEIF knew she didn’t do it, and there’s a trail of evidence, as well as the actual dragon who know this, the fact that she’s being forced into this situation is more annoying than plot conflict
Ah, Here.. God I hate blonde bastards who shows up so suddenly and then acts like their sweet and all but turns out to be an asshole
Wow hateful
The way they let him in as a witness with evidence but he only says a bunch of Bs to make her and the dragon mad and then they collar her like an animal???Who wouldn’t want to kill someone during that? Who would want to be his slave for the rest of their life I’d give him a death glare too. Then he phases it like he’s helping her and he so concerned, he’s suspicious and crazy
I hate this blondie. She was having such a peaceful life and Noah doesn’t have anything to do with anyone in this world, this poor woman is getting attacked and stressed entirely because of external factors and past doing of og elanor
Zhongli simp
I hate blondie, and I hate to agree with him on this even more
Women sure are fragile and easily coerced. If the MC was a guy, he would have wreaked havock there and force them into an agreement with both sides condition are heared.
It’s just a manhwa dude, not real… You need to start living irl
Can you like not, also that would only make it worse if she made a scene and demanded for something better