trucksama people asking does mu have gender no dragon isn’t classified in any gender form from previous similar manga wat I read was since they r immortal like equal to god’s they don’t have gender but can sure take appearance of a girl or a boy using there power June 17, 2023 at 6:14 am Log in to Reply
wolfu_chan is mu a boy or a girl??? he looks like a boy but he wears dresses or is it because Noah doesn’t have boy clothes then it makes more sense and it will be a fun fact January 11, 2023 at 11:23 am Log in to Reply
Nanami02 The matching dresses are killing me with cuteness …………… kyaaaaaa July 16, 2022 at 11:50 pm Log in to Reply
neomssi then it turns out that eleanora was in lenia’s body (idk if i spelt their name right lol) March 28, 2022 at 1:36 pm Log in to Reply
seasidecarnival Ugh he looked soo hot fixing that gun silencer. January 27, 2022 at 5:00 pm Log in to Reply
people asking does mu have gender
no dragon isn’t classified in any gender form
from previous similar manga wat I read was since they r immortal like equal to god’s
they don’t have gender
but can sure take appearance of a girl or a boy using there power
Does dragons have gender?
is mu a boy or a girl??? he looks like a boy but he wears dresses or is it because Noah doesn’t have boy clothes then it makes more sense and it will be a fun fact
The matching dresses are killing me with cuteness …………… kyaaaaaa
then it turns out that eleanora was in lenia’s body (idk if i spelt their name right lol)
Ugh he looked soo hot fixing that gun silencer.