bluebrrycantspel It’s called Happily Ever Afterwards on Webtoon, I read it there. The author is the same person who wrote The first night with the Duke (Story with Ripley). The duke is hot too December 29, 2022 at 5:14 am Log in to Reply
Claudehatdog Her father looks like Ice King from the adventure time August 17, 2022 at 4:12 am Log in to Reply
LoveReader Ahaha…Fioney is funny. Is this the same author that wrote Ripley’s story. The artwork is similar. That was funny how she was mentioned. Lol! January 19, 2022 at 2:35 pm Log in to Reply
*Laughs and dies*
It’s called Happily Ever Afterwards on Webtoon, I read it there. The author is the same person who wrote The first night with the Duke (Story with Ripley). The duke is hot too
Her father looks like Ice King from the adventure time
Ahaha…Fioney is funny. Is this the same author that wrote Ripley’s story. The artwork is similar. That was funny how she was mentioned. Lol!