The priest could’ve asked for time to think about it. If a child was crying desperately to not do it, the priest should’ve talked to her privately. I know he had good intentions but goddamn..
Do y’all expect her to be perfect or something just because she went back in time?! Yes she has the right to correct her wrong— what can she achieve to treat her mother when she’s a CHILD and they’re OUTCASTED? She was confined in the manor in her past life. Also, I don’t understand what the mother can do to find her husband? Hire an investigator with what money? Travel with WHAT money??
And what with her mother if she knew that her husband is alive then why didn’t she searched for him. Waited for 8yrs for what? Own death?
What with her father who is alive haven’t contacted for her wife and daughter? Fl, her father and her mother are all useless stupid character. Whole family is fu*ked up.
She is stupid seriously. She died in last life and when she time travelled she confidently said she will change the fate of life, but what did she change? Her mother died because she didn’t get proper treatment. Fl hide the fact that she time travelled from her mother.
Both mother and daughter are stupid and fl gonna regret it for her whole life that she not saved her mother.
She was given another chance to save the course of her life and she wasted it successfully. Normal people crying to save her beloved who died wanting to get another chance to save the loved one and look here is the stupid person.
I won’t call fl stupid I am 17 and have interacted with lots of people and I am still an idiot lol she was not taught anything I her previous life and was isolated what do u expect and can she do as a child when she can’t even decide her gaurdian she is still doing very well
Her mom was only being a burden on her to be honest like wtf tell her her father’s name and the place she died because she is not fit for survival as it goes survival of fittest
Apart from her constant self talk of “I’ll change my destiny this time” nothing really changed. Infact it became worse than before with the villagers hatred towards them. I feel really frustrated reading this. I’m dropping it. It’s not good for my blood pressure
Her mom is such an idiot, “you’re dad is alive”, really? Give her more f-king info. Also, she was such an idiot, she already knew her mom would die, what was the point on calling that bastard?
Despite her being conditioned by that creep for half of her life she’s still fighting as best as she can. Her mom though… i just hate her mom i dont even have all the facts, i just hate her. ?
I disagree. She was gaslit and prevented from forming an identity until she was sixteen, which is still not considered mature. The only thing she knows is being manipulated. Children are extremely limited in what they can do and what impact they can have.
Not at all she was 16 in her previously life, with no knowledge of anything except how to be like her mother. So not only was here mind not fully developed, you have to considered the part that trauma and that level of confinement plays on a developing mind. I wouldn’t say she’s stupid, she just has a lot to learn with little leniency regarding the consequences of her choices. She did what a child would know to do in this situation, she told/warned every responsible and trustworthy adult in her life about her uncle. And as an adult even her mother and the priest couldn’t change the mind of the villagers.
I feel like the fl shelf have said smtg like ‘i have precognition powers’
Just said “he’ll asking me to be his wife when i’m adult because i resemble my mom, mark my word father”
I hope the story gets better but I’m gonna drop this here. Maybe a flower can grow out of this manure pile of a story.
The priest could’ve asked for time to think about it. If a child was crying desperately to not do it, the priest should’ve talked to her privately. I know he had good intentions but goddamn..
Do y’all expect her to be perfect or something just because she went back in time?! Yes she has the right to correct her wrong— what can she achieve to treat her mother when she’s a CHILD and they’re OUTCASTED? She was confined in the manor in her past life. Also, I don’t understand what the mother can do to find her husband? Hire an investigator with what money? Travel with WHAT money??
And what with her mother if she knew that her husband is alive then why didn’t she searched for him. Waited for 8yrs for what? Own death?
What with her father who is alive haven’t contacted for her wife and daughter? Fl, her father and her mother are all useless stupid character. Whole family is fu*ked up.
She is stupid seriously. She died in last life and when she time travelled she confidently said she will change the fate of life, but what did she change? Her mother died because she didn’t get proper treatment. Fl hide the fact that she time travelled from her mother.
Both mother and daughter are stupid and fl gonna regret it for her whole life that she not saved her mother.
She was given another chance to save the course of her life and she wasted it successfully. Normal people crying to save her beloved who died wanting to get another chance to save the loved one and look here is the stupid person.
What a stupid child. There were thousands of better decisions you could have made that wouldn’t have led to this current situation.
I won’t call fl stupid I am 17 and have interacted with lots of people and I am still an idiot lol she was not taught anything I her previous life and was isolated what do u expect and can she do as a child when she can’t even decide her gaurdian she is still doing very well
Her mom was only being a burden on her to be honest like wtf tell her her father’s name and the place she died because she is not fit for survival as it goes survival of fittest
I legitimately hate her mom
Ally Sunshine
The mom died because of her stupidity, really
This is simple annoying 🙄😒
Apart from her constant self talk of “I’ll change my destiny this time” nothing really changed. Infact it became worse than before with the villagers hatred towards them. I feel really frustrated reading this. I’m dropping it. It’s not good for my blood pressure
Her mom is such an idiot, “you’re dad is alive”, really? Give her more f-king info. Also, she was such an idiot, she already knew her mom would die, what was the point on calling that bastard?
I am having my hopes really high for this manhwa coz it’s going really really smooth!
Reader is L
Despite her being conditioned by that creep for half of her life she’s still fighting as best as she can. Her mom though… i just hate her mom i dont even have all the facts, i just hate her. ?
The Bread of Monarchs
I disagree. She was gaslit and prevented from forming an identity until she was sixteen, which is still not considered mature. The only thing she knows is being manipulated. Children are extremely limited in what they can do and what impact they can have.
Sorry to say, the fl is sooo stupid. She is remember her previous life so she should have an adult thinking right?
Sorry for my bad english
[email protected]
Not at all she was 16 in her previously life, with no knowledge of anything except how to be like her mother. So not only was here mind not fully developed, you have to considered the part that trauma and that level of confinement plays on a developing mind. I wouldn’t say she’s stupid, she just has a lot to learn with little leniency regarding the consequences of her choices. She did what a child would know to do in this situation, she told/warned every responsible and trustworthy adult in her life about her uncle. And as an adult even her mother and the priest couldn’t change the mind of the villagers.