I don’t understand. How in past life he spent whole f*cking 16yr only to write letter to her wife. In those 16yr did he still not revived the duchy. How can he not come to know that her wife/lover died in past life. He even not visted his own brother house in those 16yr to check her own wife condition. I don’t think he loved her. He become only obsessed with title, position and whatever.
wait a damn minute so in her past life when she had turned 16 benjamin wanted to marry louise but benjamin is the lil bro of her father thats just weird man ಠ_ಠ
After so much drama here the peace
16yr? Where did you read it lmao 8 yr has passed, not 16
bananamilk >♡<!!
………… Nah this shit is dumb, I liked him better when he was the dead dad 💀😭
I don’t understand. How in past life he spent whole f*cking 16yr only to write letter to her wife. In those 16yr did he still not revived the duchy. How can he not come to know that her wife/lover died in past life. He even not visted his own brother house in those 16yr to check her own wife condition. I don’t think he loved her. He become only obsessed with title, position and whatever.
She looks exactly like her mother,but I can’t get that psychopath out of my head
What the hell is wrong with him
I loooove this already!!!
so crying a river over here
wait a damn minute so in her past life when she had turned 16 benjamin wanted to marry louise but benjamin is the lil bro of her father thats just weird man ಠ_ಠ