He would believe her, they spent time together just the two of them, I bet there is plenty of info she could provide that only they know. She’s just going with the flow on no particular direction.
She is not stupid dude, even if for him it was 7 years that Hari died for her its been only months of adjusting to the new body, ofcourse she’ll have trouble in hiding it. Furthermore, its not like she wants to hide, she haven’t said so, but who would believe her?
She’s so stupid, she isnt even trying to hide who she used to be. If you aren’t going to hide it just tell me the truth so he can help you find your murderer. 😮💨😑
I bet he figure it out already
Was he using cucumbers as a test? I don’t like them either! Using Mode was a better test though.
He would believe her, they spent time together just the two of them, I bet there is plenty of info she could provide that only they know. She’s just going with the flow on no particular direction.
1 point to him for being smart
i dont thinbk she is stupid for hiding her identity.. i think she’s being cautious… but we should see further as well
i want him to know tho that she’s rari and she didn’t abandon him. i like that he’s noticing things than not
Zhongli simp
She is not stupid dude, even if for him it was 7 years that Hari died for her its been only months of adjusting to the new body, ofcourse she’ll have trouble in hiding it. Furthermore, its not like she wants to hide, she haven’t said so, but who would believe her?
She’s so stupid, she isnt even trying to hide who she used to be. If you aren’t going to hide it just tell me the truth so he can help you find your murderer. 😮💨😑
hehehe hes so smart testing her i hope they can talk and figure out how and why she died !