But we don’t even know if it’s the same guy yet. Might be that the only thing he’s guilty of is having a face like the emperor. And to all the dodos saying “she’s so stupid, she should just leave”, you have 0 reading comprehension. The employer just threatened her family after she tried to reject his offer.
I for some reason can’t reply so for anyone who didn’t quite catch onto the notion earlier, the Count at first tried to bribe Redel into accepting the offer by increasing her wage. But once that plan failed, he passively threatened her. Basically what he said was, “Your family is on my land and you are aware of the type of business I do around here. So putting two and two together, if you do not adhere to my wishes then do not expect your nor your family to live comfortably”. So she was certainly going to remain obstinate and refuse the Count’s demands but the Count resorted to using cheap threats making Redel unable to do so.
Girl, you have been locked up for 10 years what do you know about seducing someone? Maybe using her naive nature to charm him since he had once requested for her to rest.
And yes, she should have quit her job. But at the same times, who would expect that the master Would be the one sending her to the execution stage.
Honestly annoyed with the FL…
All of this happen because she’s stupidly staying at that place.. she thought of quitting the job and that’s it and now she will seduce this hateful asshole..
I can’t with this anymore am dropping it..
Girl he’s the emperor. You knw that the emperor has many wizards including Redel. When she attempted to jump in the tower she’ll only find herself back at her bed and when she drank poison the wizards will heal her. That explains why his eyes are purple, it’s easy to hide. Just some droplets like what Astelle did to hide Theor from Kaizen in “How to hide the emperor’s child”
I may be remembering wrong, but didn’t she say in a previous chapter that changing the eyes isn’t possible?
Either way, why would the emperor be working as a butler? Illegitimate royal seems more likely to me.
But we don’t even know if it’s the same guy yet. Might be that the only thing he’s guilty of is having a face like the emperor. And to all the dodos saying “she’s so stupid, she should just leave”, you have 0 reading comprehension. The employer just threatened her family after she tried to reject his offer.
aaaaAAAAAAH!!! I’D FREAK oUT TOO!!! IF I wAs tREatEd tHaT WAY!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱
Why doesn’t her dad just fire him🤷🏽♀️
I for some reason can’t reply so for anyone who didn’t quite catch onto the notion earlier, the Count at first tried to bribe Redel into accepting the offer by increasing her wage. But once that plan failed, he passively threatened her. Basically what he said was, “Your family is on my land and you are aware of the type of business I do around here. So putting two and two together, if you do not adhere to my wishes then do not expect your nor your family to live comfortably”. So she was certainly going to remain obstinate and refuse the Count’s demands but the Count resorted to using cheap threats making Redel unable to do so.
Girl, you have been locked up for 10 years what do you know about seducing someone? Maybe using her naive nature to charm him since he had once requested for her to rest.
And yes, she should have quit her job. But at the same times, who would expect that the master Would be the one sending her to the execution stage.
Honestly annoyed with the FL…
All of this happen because she’s stupidly staying at that place.. she thought of quitting the job and that’s it and now she will seduce this hateful asshole..
I can’t with this anymore am dropping it..
bruh out here tryina get her temperature while wearing gloves. firing on exactly zero cylinders, are we lad?
I’m just assuming he’s like an illegitimate child of the royal family, also they have different colored eyes.
Girl he’s the emperor. You knw that the emperor has many wizards including Redel. When she attempted to jump in the tower she’ll only find herself back at her bed and when she drank poison the wizards will heal her. That explains why his eyes are purple, it’s easy to hide. Just some droplets like what Astelle did to hide Theor from Kaizen in “How to hide the emperor’s child”
I may be remembering wrong, but didn’t she say in a previous chapter that changing the eyes isn’t possible?
Either way, why would the emperor be working as a butler? Illegitimate royal seems more likely to me.
I’m seriously dropping this if he was the male lead. I hate him more than ruve.
Nanny Adam
Please tell me he is not the emperor