I’m totally not teared up rn…
Romance and all is nice, but you know what’s better? Character growth and true female companionship and support. That was a lovely scene, the last panels
If you repent and you sincerely want to change, it’s okay. Forgiveness is not about deserving and being kind to someone doesn’t need to be about who that person is. Sometimes a gentle word and a caring act can turn a person’s day around. If the Fl wasn’t kind to her she will continue to think the way she did and end up the way she will.
Be grateful, cuz this goddess MC is very kind, normally someone in her position will hate your guts, after all the shit she has done to the MC, im not that much of fan about redemption stuff, especially when the perpetrator, mistread someone innocent for no reason at all, even more when is someone kind like the MC, this princess will always be unworth it of such person by her side
I’m totally not teared up rn…
Romance and all is nice, but you know what’s better? Character growth and true female companionship and support. That was a lovely scene, the last panels
Valhalla's dream.
If you repent and you sincerely want to change, it’s okay. Forgiveness is not about deserving and being kind to someone doesn’t need to be about who that person is. Sometimes a gentle word and a caring act can turn a person’s day around. If the Fl wasn’t kind to her she will continue to think the way she did and end up the way she will.
Alexandre Schihann
Be grateful, cuz this goddess MC is very kind, normally someone in her position will hate your guts, after all the shit she has done to the MC, im not that much of fan about redemption stuff, especially when the perpetrator, mistread someone innocent for no reason at all, even more when is someone kind like the MC, this princess will always be unworth it of such person by her side
Aww it’s nice to see a girl character forgiven and now has the chance to turn things around instead of her meeting a violent end
A good character development 🥺