mnglvr_ Who is translating this? “I wanted to do miss x a favor” “My favor?!” If course u can understand that, but u should read it twice before publish it 🤔 January 2, 2023 at 7:28 pm Log in to Reply
tsutsumeimei why was he running after her and catching her hand so randomly? the jerk hated her guts, and what shes got divine power? that came out of the left field, this story is pulling everything outta the hat lmao December 14, 2022 at 5:20 am Log in to Reply
Who is translating this?
“I wanted to do miss x a favor”
“My favor?!”
If course u can understand that, but u should read it twice before publish it 🤔
why was he running after her and catching her hand so randomly? the jerk hated her guts, and what shes got divine power? that came out of the left field, this story is pulling everything outta the hat lmao
There seems to be a lot going on… 😐