-_- this was the obvious outcome… her being stupid enough to trust someones words that she doesnt know at all….. i dont thinks he knows the novel well at all, if she did she might have thought something like this would happen given Chaser’s character
👀😱 did he seriously chained her for a whole year?! 😑 well I guess it isn’t all that bad I mean you get food right and luxury so I guess it isn’t all bad shame there no tv or anime in that world then it be perfect
Why is he so fine 😩
-_- this was the obvious outcome… her being stupid enough to trust someones words that she doesnt know at all….. i dont thinks he knows the novel well at all, if she did she might have thought something like this would happen given Chaser’s character
Ok he’s a psycho. A hot psycho, but still psycho xD
👀😱 did he seriously chained her for a whole year?! 😑 well I guess it isn’t all that bad I mean you get food right and luxury so I guess it isn’t all bad shame there no tv or anime in that world then it be perfect