Wow, this chapter should have been way later, after he had earned it with at least SOME redemption. I can understand making nice with everyone else. They have no idea what happened to her and can help her figure out the truth but not him…
She is acting wise. You can’t live in a household you are suppose to manage and turn everyone against you. You will be hindered in every corner. People often underestimate the servants but they are the most important force and who you have to earn first.
Ah yes, the servants who have seen you go crazy and heard you yell about how much you hate ML. You deffinitely need to trick them into thinking you love him.
Wow, this chapter should have been way later, after he had earned it with at least SOME redemption. I can understand making nice with everyone else. They have no idea what happened to her and can help her figure out the truth but not him…
She’s so cringe
She is acting wise ?seriously. She let them steal from her and ignore her .The last thing i would want is their like or trust
Valhalla's dream.
She is acting wise. You can’t live in a household you are suppose to manage and turn everyone against you. You will be hindered in every corner. People often underestimate the servants but they are the most important force and who you have to earn first.
I wanted to see her rebel and throw more fits….
Ah yes, the servants who have seen you go crazy and heard you yell about how much you hate ML. You deffinitely need to trick them into thinking you love him.