Man- idk how to feel ?. I want her to return Kamuts’ feelings!! Like he said- a wolf mates for life, so he doesn’t have any chance of liking someone other than our FL ?
Its upsetting knowing what needs to be done for the empire and the fact that he’d have to stay with that choosen partner for life when we all want Raynelle to be empress. But she doesn’t want to acknowledge her own feeling because “the Fl win appear” and what if Kamut regrets choosing her after seeing the Og Fl not only that but she knows nothing about imperial life. However like most isekai FL she can learn, why hasn’t she thought about that?
Marquis Wilheim isn’t exactly wrong, choosing an empress with strong noble stature and someone who can quickly adjust to the imperial lifestyle and duties is what the empire really needs at the moment.
While I do love the ML and FL, their current situation is making me reluctant in encouraging them. However, I’m glad Raynelle isn’t a fool to just jump in at the chance to be an empress all of a sudden, she understands her limits and is even willing to allow the ML to choose an empress for the greater good! Love her so much!???
I still don’t understand why she’s waiting for of FL??? Kamut is not even ml. The nameul mage was the it tribunal ml.
She more worried that the original game’s principal gonna make the FL and Kamut met no matter what.
Athena Yural
I kinsa feel bad for our Fl since there is an og fl so there will always a crack for the og fl to appear…
The Frenchiest Fry
Man- idk how to feel ?. I want her to return Kamuts’ feelings!! Like he said- a wolf mates for life, so he doesn’t have any chance of liking someone other than our FL ?
Its upsetting knowing what needs to be done for the empire and the fact that he’d have to stay with that choosen partner for life when we all want Raynelle to be empress. But she doesn’t want to acknowledge her own feeling because “the Fl win appear” and what if Kamut regrets choosing her after seeing the Og Fl not only that but she knows nothing about imperial life. However like most isekai FL she can learn, why hasn’t she thought about that?
Don’t push her give her some time
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
Marquis is on our side for making this love plot quicker
Marquis Wilheim isn’t exactly wrong, choosing an empress with strong noble stature and someone who can quickly adjust to the imperial lifestyle and duties is what the empire really needs at the moment.
While I do love the ML and FL, their current situation is making me reluctant in encouraging them. However, I’m glad Raynelle isn’t a fool to just jump in at the chance to be an empress all of a sudden, she understands her limits and is even willing to allow the ML to choose an empress for the greater good! Love her so much!???
That’s both correct and wrong. Choosing one daughter might also slight the other families and cause other kinds of drama
Literally butterflies, through out this whole chapter. Plus extremely funny. Can’t wait for Raynell to become the Empress Fr.
She’s gonna be a MARVELOUS empress tbh. And with her expressional face ???? just imagine the meme material
villainous Empress Yulia
Thanks for the update ❤