Now that I got a good look at it. Her wings in human form are not from her hair nut underneath her hair from her lower back, or coming from the cape thing on her shoulder.
Ngl if you think about it the power to turn into a wolf is top 10 useless fantasy powers. Turning into bird OP Turning into fish OP turning into any walking creature that doesn’t have anything special about it for instance monkey kinda op on trees… But wolf? That’s just a minor buff for speed and instincts but you lose so much of human flexibility… I would rather fight a wolf using a sword than fight a human with a sword. Bow? that’s instakill for a wolf But on humans, you got armor which will reduce most if not all of the damage… Its almost useless. Sure it’s cool and somewhat useful in some situations but in real combat? Bitch sword is stronger. And if you learn weak spots of wolfs then bruh easy
Yes you have to be good at combat while the wolf is a low skill for medium input
human combat is a high skill for high input.
If you have to choose a power gain some other cool transformations like turning into a fish for easy water travel through salt levels might be an issue because if you chose salt fish and go for clear water your body will mutate (looking at salmons here) or you will die and if you are a clear water fish and go for salty waters you are fricking dead. But choosing a bird is a low-risk high reward the only problem is other birds which you can avoid by turning into a human again.
And I’m not even talking about information travel by being a bird
because a bird is normal but a wolf is kinda sus in a middle of a city.
wait but the prince has a really big butt
Reader is L
Is that mage the last prince that lost to the current emperor?
Shane yazq
Is it me or they kinda look like a couple in that one panel:>
@haurva OH SHI-
Is this the emperor’s brother
birds lay eggs and humans are mammals who get pregnant so if rein gets preggers and swaps back to bird form, what happens to the kid
So this guy, who looks like a member of the royal family, brainwashed this kid to think he should always be the best? Probably
Now that I got a good look at it. Her wings in human form are not from her hair nut underneath her hair from her lower back, or coming from the cape thing on her shoulder.
I swear if that evil mage with the third prince turns out to be hot- ;-;
Seems like he can change his features and hair color T^T
I’d rather be a swan than be a wolf
Ngl if you think about it the power to turn into a wolf is top 10 useless fantasy powers. Turning into bird OP Turning into fish OP turning into any walking creature that doesn’t have anything special about it for instance monkey kinda op on trees… But wolf? That’s just a minor buff for speed and instincts but you lose so much of human flexibility… I would rather fight a wolf using a sword than fight a human with a sword. Bow? that’s instakill for a wolf But on humans, you got armor which will reduce most if not all of the damage… Its almost useless. Sure it’s cool and somewhat useful in some situations but in real combat? Bitch sword is stronger. And if you learn weak spots of wolfs then bruh easy
Yes you have to be good at combat while the wolf is a low skill for medium input
human combat is a high skill for high input.
If you have to choose a power gain some other cool transformations like turning into a fish for easy water travel through salt levels might be an issue because if you chose salt fish and go for clear water your body will mutate (looking at salmons here) or you will die and if you are a clear water fish and go for salty waters you are fricking dead. But choosing a bird is a low-risk high reward the only problem is other birds which you can avoid by turning into a human again.
And I’m not even talking about information travel by being a bird
because a bird is normal but a wolf is kinda sus in a middle of a city.
So mc op. male lead kinda weak.
I thought the wings were coming from either the ends of her hair or on her back but now they look like they might be the back of her dress?
yeah.. the only confusion i had was where did that wings come from.. at first i thought it’s her hair but now it might be her dress.. *sigh*
Same. either that or from her lower back.