Ugh, freaking hate misunderstandings like this.. also, as one commented not understand how a mother differ between children. Unfortunately there are cases irl where parents will favor a child more than the other, the favored being a “golden child” and the other being the “scapegoat”, so much so the other child may barely be given their essentials nor even given things typical for growing up and being a child. The golden child usually turns out spoiled and ignorant of the mistreatment of the scapegoat or maybe know of the mistreatment but don’t care, cases vary really. Thankfully arabella seems to be a case of noticing the mistreatment and caring about anita, despite the ignorance
I’m disappointed that no one is completely honest about their feelings. I hope Anita collects tons of information that proves her parents are criminals or something
Actually it doesn’t make sense to me for a mother to differ between her children that much yeah they might feel guilt or anything but she’s kinda treating Anita like a stranger
Why can’t she just reveal all the truth and run away?! Ugh! Its taste is getting worse
I know author loves plot twist but constant portrayal of abuse esp from both so called parents is no good
really hoping author as better story line that doesn’t involve the parents’ and the sister
but seeing the cover it seems sister is part of it
Ugh, freaking hate misunderstandings like this.. also, as one commented not understand how a mother differ between children. Unfortunately there are cases irl where parents will favor a child more than the other, the favored being a “golden child” and the other being the “scapegoat”, so much so the other child may barely be given their essentials nor even given things typical for growing up and being a child. The golden child usually turns out spoiled and ignorant of the mistreatment of the scapegoat or maybe know of the mistreatment but don’t care, cases vary really. Thankfully arabella seems to be a case of noticing the mistreatment and caring about anita, despite the ignorance
Ugh, stories driven by misunderstandings suck.
One more stupid misunderstanding and this shits getting dropped
I’m dropping this🥱
I’m disappointed that no one is completely honest about their feelings. I hope Anita collects tons of information that proves her parents are criminals or something
Bro please fucking runaway and arabella seems nice but a bit stupid and very naive
i am so happy arabella is nice
Someone needs to save her from her parents
Actually it doesn’t make sense to me for a mother to differ between her children that much yeah they might feel guilt or anything but she’s kinda treating Anita like a stranger
Not the misunderstandings that could be easily corrected by exchanging 3 words.
Can’t she just get the fuck out of that house?! Like holy crap, author for fuck sake