OMG ARABELLA YES STAND YOUR GROUND. STAND UP FOR YOUR SISTERS DISCRIMINATION. WE LOVE IT. but anita probably thinks it’s fake and hates it because she is not used to immediate familial love
i’m so fed up for this kind of trash royal family… even worse they never got what they deserve like a coup..
so to those who know the plot, let me ask this one time, is this MC(FL/ML) will usurp the throne and punish the royal family?
i mean… trash shouldn’t even given power right?
i like her sister. It is so refreshing to see someone who isn’t a bleep.
I’m pretty sure she needs to become and adult to leave,anyway the reason is stupid too bad manhwas don’t have CPS
Why the hack is The FL still staying with those trash like fake family?! Ugh
Finally. I was waiting for her to stand you for Anita before I passed judgment. I’m glad she isn’t just going to let them treat Anita differently.
Yess go girlll!!
her parents are kind
best joke of the year
Yes finally, I’m so proud of you Arabella !!
OMG ARABELLA YES STAND YOUR GROUND. STAND UP FOR YOUR SISTERS DISCRIMINATION. WE LOVE IT. but anita probably thinks it’s fake and hates it because she is not used to immediate familial love
Finally a sane person is here all are insane
Go big sis!
FINALLY OMDS, we all know anita defo comes from a diff family
It’s about time Arabella said something.
i’m so fed up for this kind of trash royal family… even worse they never got what they deserve like a coup..
so to those who know the plot, let me ask this one time, is this MC(FL/ML) will usurp the throne and punish the royal family?
i mean… trash shouldn’t even given power right?
Yeah! How dare you eyebrowless pilaf’s talk about Anita like that!
Though it sucks its true
@chimayo No its good thats she there, if Arabella is present the parent won’t hit Anita
For the freaking last time, can’t she just get out of there?! ffs