This psycho reminds me of Heliane and Dahlia from “real doughter is back” . Heliane also was obsessed with her sister Helga(FL) to the point that she stole documents from her mother ,duches and give them to the country enemy so in critical moment she would “save” Helga and make her back to home. There will be propably similar plot cause:
1. He cant kidnap Nadia because she will hate him
2. He cant kill duke with poison or assasins, and second because he was always only fighting for the country and didnt medle with social circle he propably dont have enemies.
3. Making scandal with other women is also rather imposible, they survive as cuple with princess scheme so it wont work.
I asume he will also try doing something against empire to kill duke in batlefield or something like that. Anyway propably will come out that he in fact was seling those drugs which were mentioned.
Another 2-dimensional obsessive noble, is it?
Standard for the genre, I suppose, but one would expect such a successful and capable man to be more intelligent than that.
This psycho reminds me of Heliane and Dahlia from “real doughter is back” . Heliane also was obsessed with her sister Helga(FL) to the point that she stole documents from her mother ,duches and give them to the country enemy so in critical moment she would “save” Helga and make her back to home. There will be propably similar plot cause:
1. He cant kidnap Nadia because she will hate him
2. He cant kill duke with poison or assasins, and second because he was always only fighting for the country and didnt medle with social circle he propably dont have enemies.
3. Making scandal with other women is also rather imposible, they survive as cuple with princess scheme so it wont work.
I asume he will also try doing something against empire to kill duke in batlefield or something like that. Anyway propably will come out that he in fact was seling those drugs which were mentioned.
Another 2-dimensional obsessive noble, is it?
Standard for the genre, I suppose, but one would expect such a successful and capable man to be more intelligent than that.
Ugliest king dokja