God thing his niece isnt scared of him, but aside from that she is clad in dimianonds and gild thaks to him π Anywy it would be best for them if they start to have sexual intercourses and Nadia gets prgnent. But on second hand.. Luke will propably kill eveyone who pose a treat without remorse. No mater if this would be emperor or Nadia “friend” .
Aside from that….in few chapters/days in manga…they will atend some big event….and who will be a star of this event ? Nadia ? He will clad her in gold and diamonds to show that she is his wife not some stupid princess. This will they first encounter. But with guaidance from his grandmother marciones (which looks like late 30) Nadia will do well, so then night, night,more nights, Nadia get pregnent….Luke will send leter to prince to cut off they teritory from empire so Nadia can sleep well…otherwise..they just make Nadia empress π
Next chapter:
Luke kills princess
starts war
win War
Nadia becomes empress because he give her all power
End of story π
But it will be like this, he will tell princess to f*ck off, she will get furious, her father ,king wont be able to do anything cause it was all her doings , sooner or later she wil try to kill Nadia but she will fail, she will be maried to some foreging country fast cause only other option for emperor will be to cut her head which Luke will want and her brothe will have to comply with because Luke is not duke but basicly Grand Duke, Grand duke is basicly same level as crown prince. They are at the same level as empire royals. And they mistake was to trying to take away Luke most precious tresure which is Nadia. Imagine what would happen if story would shift by like 1 year and instead of just sleeping together they would have sexual intercuse and Nadia get pregnetnt. He propably would cut down emperor and princess during audience.
Drag that Bitch out of the window and go get a cup of tea with your wife. We need to move on we can’t get stuck here beacause of her, I’m so pissed.
God thing his niece isnt scared of him, but aside from that she is clad in dimianonds and gild thaks to him π Anywy it would be best for them if they start to have sexual intercourses and Nadia gets prgnent. But on second hand.. Luke will propably kill eveyone who pose a treat without remorse. No mater if this would be emperor or Nadia “friend” .
Get her! ππ
Aside from that….in few chapters/days in manga…they will atend some big event….and who will be a star of this event ? Nadia ? He will clad her in gold and diamonds to show that she is his wife not some stupid princess. This will they first encounter. But with guaidance from his grandmother marciones (which looks like late 30) Nadia will do well, so then night, night,more nights, Nadia get pregnent….Luke will send leter to prince to cut off they teritory from empire so Nadia can sleep well…otherwise..they just make Nadia empress π
Next chapter:
Luke kills princess
starts war
win War
Nadia becomes empress because he give her all power
End of story π
But it will be like this, he will tell princess to f*ck off, she will get furious, her father ,king wont be able to do anything cause it was all her doings , sooner or later she wil try to kill Nadia but she will fail, she will be maried to some foreging country fast cause only other option for emperor will be to cut her head which Luke will want and her brothe will have to comply with because Luke is not duke but basicly Grand Duke, Grand duke is basicly same level as crown prince. They are at the same level as empire royals. And they mistake was to trying to take away Luke most precious tresure which is Nadia. Imagine what would happen if story would shift by like 1 year and instead of just sleeping together they would have sexual intercuse and Nadia get pregnetnt. He propably would cut down emperor and princess during audience.
Just kill her Luke my Duke
Yes straight to the point.