If only it was that simple. Their relationship is love-hate. She pities, understands him but also despises his cruel nature. Reinhardt on the other side understands her, doesn’t want to upset her but wants to possess her like a bird that would sing only for him.
I like her plan but why doesn’t she move to another country or continent? Someplace that the crown Prince can’t access so easily. You’re still in his country so he has the power to break into anywhere that have and the kid are hiding. And that’s not even covering what Reinhardt can do which can be worst.
I hope those crazy guys never find her but this plan seems kind of awful, especially if she’s staying in one spot selling them and become known? What runaway wants to become known when 2 of the most powerful men in the country are looking for you?
she is pretty when she smiles ~
Idk man, I just feel like she should try harder to run away. But I guess this would be a very different story if she did that.
But I’m genuinely surprised that she hates Reinhardt. I thought she pitied him.
If only it was that simple. Their relationship is love-hate. She pities, understands him but also despises his cruel nature. Reinhardt on the other side understands her, doesn’t want to upset her but wants to possess her like a bird that would sing only for him.
Hm, I wonder if her plan is to be discovered so he reputation can protect herself?
I like her plan but why doesn’t she move to another country or continent? Someplace that the crown Prince can’t access so easily. You’re still in his country so he has the power to break into anywhere that have and the kid are hiding. And that’s not even covering what Reinhardt can do which can be worst.
And perhaps use it to his advantage.
@Rococochoco I mean Reindhardt would definitely find her first but I bet the Clown Prince would find the Alchemists hideout still.
I love you harimanga
Clown prince???
If that was a typo, then it would definitely be the best one.
I hope those crazy guys never find her but this plan seems kind of awful, especially if she’s staying in one spot selling them and become known? What runaway wants to become known when 2 of the most powerful men in the country are looking for you?
Bruh, I was like Nooo with every inner monolog. You need to leave the country ??♀️??♀️??♀️