Rococochoco If they needed adults wouldn’t the parents have contacted them before they left. I know the kids are supposed to be handling the house but they should be able to write to the parents when they need help like right now with this stubborn trash November 5, 2022 at 12:01 am Log in to Reply
Roannature Argh these adults. While I understand that the mother is sick, they shouldn’t leave them. October 10, 2022 at 1:33 am Log in to Reply
Loqe01 Haul them back with charges of theft and thrown them in the dungeon 🙂 October 9, 2022 at 7:19 am Log in to Reply
Mariposa This is why they’re parents shouldn’t have left them alone so early😒 October 9, 2022 at 3:27 am Log in to Reply
If they needed adults wouldn’t the parents have contacted them before they left. I know the kids are supposed to be handling the house but they should be able to write to the parents when they need help like right now with this stubborn trash
Argh these adults. While I understand that the mother is sick, they shouldn’t leave them.
Haul them back with charges of theft and thrown them in the dungeon 🙂
This is why they’re parents shouldn’t have left them alone so early😒
This packing beytches, so rudu ugh😠😡🤬