I Ended Up Raising the Children of the Female Lead and Male Lead - Chapter 7
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Still a year and they don’t know 😭 come on…
It pisses me off that he keeps mentioning that FL is a woman that lost “her child” bish it was YOURS too 💢💢
How tf do you forget you have a wife? Did he never send word or anything about what was going on while he was away? Like how tf do you forget the person you married?! And yeah.. keeping the deaths secret from the kids won’t help anyone. The lies will continue to grow until someone slips up and the kids foud out, winding up angry at all those closest to them who had plenty of time to tell them that their parents didn’t abandon them and had instead died.
They didn’t even let the kids go too the funeral, what are these adults thinking. This is just going to be worse for their mental health the longer they keep the deaths a secret. Not to mention how they’ll react to finding out everyone was lying and keeping up this charade
Poor wife as always the husband is trash and now the kids are gonna be traumatized too because of him he is the worst of the worst truly scum
married coz of he is the one who make pregnant? and forgot wife? lol lol lol really trash he is lower than even trash and left the room and saying nth is bullshit really trash ever
Ok how tf do the kids look like the “spitting image” or serena and john. If they’re blonde and brunette, where tf did the white hair come from? stress???
He FORGOT his wife?? Lmao!
He literally forgot he had a wife…. also they should of let the kids say goodbye when they had the chance.
They shouldn’t have give the kids letter it only made their hopes go up in vain 😔