I Ended Up Raising the Children of the Female Lead and Male Lead - Chapter 6
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The timetable is really off also even with the limited exposure he had with his friends he saw how to react when someone was in pain. He himself was in pain and the guy reacted to it. He could have mimicked that
Wow, you’d think one of his close servants would take him under their wing at least, Like a butler, or his nanny or his aide? Is the author telling us that he doesn’t have even one close confidant even as an adult?
Ofc ofc he’s totally retarded I agree with @Rococochoco
a little rationality
The timeline problems with this story, I can’t even. xD
1 – I thought she miscarried at 5 months, so how did her belly get so huge?
2 – The twins are too old in this episode. The lost child was conceived the night of the Hawes wedding, yeah? So, giving all possible benefits of the doubt, let’s say ‘miscarriage’ is a mistranslation and she actually carried all 9 months and it was a stillbirth. Let’s also say that Lady Hawes was ready to pop with twins at her wedding, despite not looking like it.
And finally, let’s say that FL was crying over her dead baby for a full month before ML brought the twins in that extremely misguided attempt at comfort. That still makes the twins only 10 months old when they visited with their nanny. Do those look like 10 month old children to you???
Sure, kids ahead of the bell curve can walk at 10 months, but to be THAT steady on their feet? They’re shocked into crying and neither fell down – that balance takes a few months of walking to acquire. And since the doubt I am most reluctant to give is about the timing of Lady Hawes’s pregnancy …
Actually, I take it back. The timing problems can only make sense if the twins are adopted. Which was already highly likely due to their hair color. So this is just proof.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
I still don’t feel bad, he’s a fucking idiot and I find ignorance to be the worst form of neglect.
@Rococochoco, you are “in the right mind” because you are an educated woman living in this Era.
I’m sure there are a lot of people, especially men, who are not “in the right mind” nowadays everywhere in this world.
You may dislike ML, but he is simply incapable of being sensitive enough and knowledgeable enough to know how to handle this situation.
Wow I think he might be actually retarded, that’s why his mother locked him away. Anyone in their right mind would not bring a woman grieving over her miscarriage other children to make her feel better.
As expected it was an assassination. The plot is gonna get more and more complicated.
@Kane55 Very well said. Appreciate it!
Guys, if you consult a psychiatrist or a family therapist you’ll see that such a case isn’t all uncommon. (The ML’s psychological state)
Unfortunately, no matter when in history of the human kind, trauma is something a child would experience at least once in his/her lifetime to a certain degree.
And most psychological disorders stem from childhood traumas.
This man here, is actually a very realistically-portrayed ‘patient’ with a mental and emotional disorder due to his severe and UNRESOLVED childhood traumas. He was basically deprived of the most basic needs of a child.
So please do consider this fact that people are prone to mental disorders as much as they are prone to physical illnesses, specially when they are children.
Kindly, do not jump to conclusions or else you might leave some innocent individual heartbroken and scarred for a long time, if not forever!
Back to the story;
The two were both victims, and due to the lack of communication, the misunderstandings and *misinterpretations* simply grew deeper and deeper, beyond the point of no return. Until the FL possessed Merhen for good.
He really is a very pitiful man.
A pure victim of literally mental parents.
When one basically does not possess a certain knowledge there is absolutely no way he/she could do anything right which requires that certain knowledge as a prerequisite.
Logically speaking, you can never expect to see that individual do the right thing in that regard.
Also, it isn’t him/her who is to blame, but the ones responsible of his/her education along with their circumstances.
About their “accident”, well Merhen could have resisted him but she didn’t, isn’t it? So we cannot put all the blame entirely on the ML. Maybe she had feelings for him or something?
This damn “accident” happens way more often than coming down with a Flu guys! Its already common knowledge, so why the overreaction?
Yeah it sure is very unpleasant for the person involved, however its not that ‘shocking’.
It would have been a tiny bit more shocking in the past though.
Doesn’t matter the time-frame, its occurrence is, unfortunately, too common.
So yeah, although I do understand how you feel but please don’t lash out at a clueless heartbroken drunkard who happens to be suffering from severe mental and emotional disorders. And the girl did not resist to begin with, so it doesn’t count as ‘forced’ either.
I feel bad for both of them nonetheless.
The most important thing is a person’s heart, their TRUE INTENT.
He is not evil. And he DID try HIS best, meaning compared to his own ‘limits’, to mend the broken relationship.
However he was inherently incapable due to his *under-developed emotional state*.
We need to logically adjust our expectation accordingly.
“Never expect something which is basically absent in an individual’s pool of data/capabilities.”
okay I still dunno how kids looks so similar to FL
As you can tell by all the comment your wife is the victim not you we knowledge why she acted the way that she did it was reasonable for her I truly mourned for her someone give this women a hug and also a new lover
This man’s EQ is so low it’s in hell dude
Wife miscarriaged? Yes! Lets cheer her up with bringing other people’s happy babies! A successful birth shoved right to the miscarriaged lady’s face while saying ha ha! U like kids right?! What a better way to comfort a traumatized mother. Yay
This dude blows lmfao
This guy is dumb af. I get that the abuse he experienced as a child may have hindered his ability to empathize, but surely the years he spent with this friends taught him how to at least COMMUNICATE??? Like literally him simply asking his distressed wife “Is there anything I can do for you?” would have been worlds better than that bs he just pulled. Wow this manhwa makes me so angry.
Poorly written. No body teaches you how to comfort a mother who lost her child.
Yeah I acknowledge his childhood was traumatic but “his friends taught him every emotion except comforting people” is lame. He was comforted by them during his trauma so that makes no sense.
He slept with her because of her eyes and he knew it. She didn’t even tell.him about the baby he found out by a rumor and that’s how they ended up together. During their time together instead of trying to build something together he ignored her. No parent knows what to do when they lose a child and comforting someone is a natural reaction that he has shown to be able to do. Even if all he did was sit in a chair next to the fl.
Sir u are a grown ass man the least u could’ve done is just stay by her side
I get that u wanted to “help” her but what would she think? Her husband who didn’t even care for the death of her child happily brings another kids of women he is in love with! That mockery at her face
This is complicated and yet it’s not at the same time.
While I do understand Ainz’s lack of emotional knowledge, that disastrous encounter could have been avoided had Ainz at least COMMUNICATED with someone. It would have been better if had talked to someone about the situation, his two friends, maybe his butler— heck, the person who deserved the most chance was actually OG Merhen!
But the situation with his friends is also confusing. Ainz showed up out of nowhere after years of their marriage and they decided that it was ok to give Ainz their kids without knowing WHY he wanted them??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM???
Now I understand.
Our ML is emotionally stunted… the things, we take for granted, the things that we think to be “common sense” or knowledge that everyone should have does not naturally come to those deprived from from such an early age.
I understand ML and pity FL. She truly loved get child and to see her husband with the children of his “true” love, it must have been so catastrophic.
Yet, I’m curious…ML was not in his five senses when their child was conceived so… one, she knew he longed for another women and she still slept with him… and two, if the genders were reversed… would people take kindly upon one person “taking” advantage of someone that (in real life) cannot consent.
Wow poor lady😭