I Ended Up Raising the Children of the Female Lead and Male Lead - Chapter 17

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Why do you guys still not understand Ainz’s behavior, Ainz is not good yet at showing affection to them
Love me
But I won’t drop out🤧 ,I want to see it’s ending and become furious 😌🙂
Love me
Woww 🤗now I really really hate this😊😊😊
I could never be protagonist of one of these, “regretful male lead” stories. Watch me completely ignore him for the rest of his life – see how he likes it
Congratulations I’m starting to hate it ☺️
@kizi but he’s a man capable of doing it. Would you want to get together with a man like that? What a great injustice to the original wife and the lost child! Also, she inherited her feelings and memories too, it’s not completely unrelated to her.
to タヌキ and to Liz825
thanks, u have said all i need to say about this situation
I mean… He didn’t do it to HER.
He needs to grovel more … he was too emotionally stunted to connect with his wife all of these years yet now he wants to get close to her? Sir you left your wife to mourn the death of her child. You literally never seemed to care for that child or even seem to be upset over the death. You were upset she was upset and could not fix it. Now you want to be daddy and husband? No thank you.
I agree with first comment not happy at all
This is ridiculous, she’s all lovey dovey with him even when tho he: was in love with another girl, slept with her thinking about another girl, got her pregnant and when she miscarried he basically did nothing and even FORGOT HE HAD A WIFE
Wtf is this redemption arc? He didn’t even deserve to have one. One second he’s madly in love with Serena and now the author wants to make us believe he’s falling for the FL??????? Don’t give me that crap