I just gotta say, maybe the dad isn’t completely ‘f*cking dumb’. I don’t agree with his actions and I do think that he is a bit stupid to try and reconcile now but actually before he knew that paying attention to her meant that she may be considered a potential candidate for the throne and then she would (probably) be killed. Now that he understands that she can stand up for herself and protect herself from the other candidates then he is trying to reconcile
Idk but I feel he is only like this because she has helped him twice so he knows that shes a smart one + HOW TF CAN SOMEONE BE SO FUING DUMB?? Did u really need a child to tell you to have a conversation with YOUR kids?
Bruh. You want to reconcile now? To draw more attention to her and put her in danger? Good luck honey, good luck. Well, but still gotta aprociate him admitting to his mistakes and making effort for better communication
Good that he knows his wrongdoings and i love how fl didn’t forgive him
I just gotta say, maybe the dad isn’t completely ‘f*cking dumb’. I don’t agree with his actions and I do think that he is a bit stupid to try and reconcile now but actually before he knew that paying attention to her meant that she may be considered a potential candidate for the throne and then she would (probably) be killed. Now that he understands that she can stand up for herself and protect herself from the other candidates then he is trying to reconcile
This is one of the manhwa that only think wiser is the FL while all the characters are dvmb! Doesn’t understand logic low EQ and IQ.
Edit: The author is likely white washing the dad 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 bravo
The author is likely white washing the ml 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Idk but I feel he is only like this because she has helped him twice so he knows that shes a smart one + HOW TF CAN SOMEONE BE SO FUING DUMB?? Did u really need a child to tell you to have a conversation with YOUR kids?
Bruh. You want to reconcile now? To draw more attention to her and put her in danger? Good luck honey, good luck. Well, but still gotta aprociate him admitting to his mistakes and making effort for better communication
Just a sucker for manga
Communication 👌👌👌!!!!!
@FabledSable Actually she is. Her past life memories have awakened and taken over, but she is the same soul.
Bruhhh…. She really can’t forgive you cause she’s not the one who suffered 😭