so the FL was jealous of his sister and tried to kill herself several times during childhood, so the grandpa erased her memories of that and his sister had to pretend she was sick so FL could take over the house, on 1st time line the sister couldnt take it anymore and finally took revenge of FL for taking away what was hers by right, eventually FL will recover his memories on the 2nd time line and will ask for forgiveness to his little sister, and luckily they will reconcile and FL will give the household and lands to her, she will realize his sister is naturally gifted because what took years for FL to learn his sister learns it in months but she now has ML own lands and riches so both will get their happy ending
That spoiler is slightly different from what I heard but that makes more sense than what I’ve read in other comments
so the FL was jealous of his sister and tried to kill herself several times during childhood, so the grandpa erased her memories of that and his sister had to pretend she was sick so FL could take over the house, on 1st time line the sister couldnt take it anymore and finally took revenge of FL for taking away what was hers by right, eventually FL will recover his memories on the 2nd time line and will ask for forgiveness to his little sister, and luckily they will reconcile and FL will give the household and lands to her, she will realize his sister is naturally gifted because what took years for FL to learn his sister learns it in months but she now has ML own lands and riches so both will get their happy ending
Spoiler please
Can someone give me spoiler