I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 70
You don't have anything in histories
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Joachim looks so nice under the moonlight
Valer please get the fuck out of their life and go back to your country.
Catherine Briar
It can only become madness if you don’t know how to control yourself and you don’t even try. Also, if you feel that you’re losing yourself, it’s best to end things there. That can’t be healthy in the long run.
Why Esther took suicide?? She’s the fiancee of Arendt but end her life?? Hmm..this is kinda bad,she resented him so much….I feel sorry for Esther…
you’ve gone this far and you still didnt get it? They were best friends, been in political marriage and despite that, esther fell inlove with arendt. But arendt doesnt feel the same, he only thinks of her as a friend – almost like a friend or a sister. And Esther being madly inlove with him, couldn’t have that. So she took suicide, to show arendt what love really means for her.
Valer is kind of a creep
He needs to piss off ? He’s the one that neglected our FL, and even signed the divorce agreement to break their engagement beforehand, so stop acting like a lost puppy who was abandoned ?
Aminin na lang kase pota. Yan na naman si kuyang Valer asado na naman sipain ko yan e