I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 68
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Busyplant said it, all the thins I wanted to say
dont see why the tl is mad at niveah :/ from her pov they’re in a political marriage. there’s not a single good reason for arendt to start avoiding her even if she has feelings for valor unless he doubts her abilities as a political partner. her concerns are valid. and arendt hasn’t done or said anything to establish having romantic feelings for her :/
not to mention, even if she wanted to believe he loves her she JUST got out of a decade long engagement where she searched for any hint of love from valor :/ ofc she’s not going to immediately believe arendt loves her. wishtrash spent ten fucking years establishing just how ‘unlovable’ she is and fucking destroyed her self esteem. the fact that she’s doing as well as she is shows just how strong and smart she is. yeah, she’s not 100% over the guy she spent ten years obsessing over. that much is kinda fucking obvious. but she’s drawing clear boundaries between them and she’s doing her best with her new life.
idk i just hate it when people hate on characters because they have fairly rational reactions to trauma they’ve experienced. shockingly, i prefer characters who are remotely believable to ones who are super-humanly perceptive and resilient to all traumatic events :/ ugh
Read few chapters and spoiler . And vase on them I can Say. Among all Manhwas these two are the most mature lovers. The work together on every problem they face . They don’t hide anything from each other. They more problem they face the more stronger their love grows
She was trapped in a loveless engagement for years, spanning her entire adult life so far. Her childhood was spent with a loveless family. And you’re surprised she’s hesitant to believe anyone loves her?
She was right to tell him off there. He could have ruined the entire wedding and weakened her political position. This would have had long-reaching consequences. When they made this agreement it was under the understanding that they wouldn’t be in love with each other, and it’s not like he’s said otherwise. Yes his feelings were hurt, but she is in no way responsible for that. And even if she were, giving her the cold shoulder on the one day where you absolutely need to show a united front, is not the solution.
Catherine Briar
Totally AGREE with you. Those were my thoughts too.
THANKYOU spoken brilliantly
Idk, I don’t think she’s super dense lol. She just can’t sense his feelings correctly. She’d rather not assume that he loves her…Shoootttt better than me, I assume guys love me but whole time they love my roommate instead ?
Even the translators have the same thoughts as me,.. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought she’s stupid…yeah,maybe some of you will justify her and say, she’s dreaming so she did not remember…but girl please don’t deny it straight to your husband’s face,you even have guts to turn your back to him and got angry as if it was Arendt who made you wrong ..
Girl,have you noticed that you did to Arendt what Valer did to you in the past .. and please girl,in the first place it was you who proposed to him to have vengeance against Valer and your family…you should be thankful that he took the bait you set for him. …how can you be so demanding
I don’t get why everyone thinks she is dense. She was clever enough to figure out why he was upset with her, I probably wouldn’t have. How’s she supposed to know that she loves him, even if she saw signs or had suspicions, obviously she would wave those to adhere to there agreement. Like she said “useless thoughts”. His last fiancé killed her self over him not loving her so obviously she’s not going to be that presumptuous, she’s still got some baggage to work out, even if she doesn’t love Valer anymore , there’s obviously trauma there. Give the girl a break! Joachim needs to stop being a pouty little boy and just tell her what’s bothering him instead of taking it out on her when she has no idea what he wants
She only had the dream about Valer because she was neglected and hurt for so long so it was a recurring nightmare for her. Valer was cold to her for ten years and now Joachim is doing the same thing to her by being cold and he even ruined their wedding and party by acting this way. Of course she’s angry. Seeing his sour face during the wedding only made her feel bad when it should have been a happy day for both of them. Then he distances himself from her during the party. Yeah he is being a coward rather than being truthful with her.
Yesss preach
fr, their agreement was no love, he changed his mind and now acts butthurt like wtf
I don’t get all the hate for Nevaeh. They both agreed to a marriage where neither of them loved each other. Is she screwing Valer? No. Is she proclaiming her love for him? No. You all act like you can control your damn dreams. She’s had years of abuse and neglect, which isn’t something easily overcome. Especially when the person you loved for years just now starts to show interest. Arendt is acting just like a jealous husband but hasn’t had to balls to actually come out and express his feelings. Is she just suppose to magically understand him? It’s his fault for creating this situation and not acting like the adult he is and speaking up. So yes, he is being a coward.
I enjoyed the translator’s notes more than the chapter ???
I love those tiny creator notes lmao
Call him a coward is so rude
Akio Haruki
why are you fuck you lying