I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 65
You don't have anything in histories
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I wonder if this scene was better in the drafts and they cut it for some reason, that was a great time for resolution and they didn’t add anything? feels cut and incomplete
wtf was that???? The coronation thing and he just stood there like a doll. I understand he is upset because of the dream and he felt betrayed or jealous but this is public matter, he should atleast fake it and act the part. I am so upset. This is supposed to be an important day to both of them and he ruined it. ? You are acting like the duke now on the past- atleast i hope you did better. First, the way you didnt protect her when his father almost slapped her and then next was this coronation. You are slowly getting on my nerves.
Regis Floyen
Joachim ruined her wedding day by wearing that hurtful sour look on his face!
what can he do bro two men asking her for dance plus one of them was her ex fiance who she called in a dream , he is bound to be angry
How can ckck
Hey have some respect on her husband..show some decency.. tsk..
It’d be different if they parted on friendly terms but he’s just butthurt. Hopefully she denies them both or at least not choose the ex
cant leave the married woman alone huh