I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 43
You don't have anything in histories
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Everyone’s full of hate for him and I love it
Yes indeed hands up to Arendt for always trusting her and never doubting her. She’s been always caught in a situation where she gets stuck with her ex-fiance but even if Arendt feels a sting in his heart he would always choose to smile and be understanding. I can clearly see my male version on Arendt
You’re full of yourself because of the damage you brought her? Does knowing the fact that you ruined her to the point she can o longer love again pleases you? You’re a cruel monster, maybe you haven’t looked in the mirror.
That black haired guy is totally a Disgusting human being.
yo what the feck pleas tell me that was past valer and not current valer? how dare he even try to be jealous? like ?? that makes zero fwcking sense so annoying wishtrash and sovieshjt should just go die in a ditch
everytime I feel bad for him, he show me another reason to hate him haishhh forget it, silverhead is the only one for Neveah
The black rat and the silver fox… Rat ya dead ok? Get a clue
F#cking trash! You have the gall crying for pity? Sadly I can’t come to you, truly regretful.
can we all just appreciate how arendt literally never doubts her integrity? like he’ll leave her alone with her ex for an extended period of time and never once thinks she’d do anything
like i know jealousy is supposed to be pretty hot in this genre, but guys i think trust is way hotter okay x’3
You asshole……….. you are an shame to black hair….. gosh I hate this guy
Haha, if i ever said he needed to suffer a bit more, i regret, he needs to suffer MUCH MORE, THIS BITCH, I CANT-
bro, i couldnt agree more. im on team torture the shitty wistrash~