I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 42.5
You don't have anything in histories
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That’s not fair!
I understand Nivea’s feelings. when I was abused by the man I loved the most… Then after a year of being together, he threw me away… All that ease my pain is dreaming, in my dreams, we are perfect for each other. But after moving on, I decided to let go of my love for him as well as my hatred. Because if I kept hating him, he’ll only disturb my peace. He came crying to me after a few months saying he is sorry. That’s the regret of all the shit he had done…. but I’m already empty inside. I know how good he is in faking his tears, I will never be swayed again.
I hope Nivea can be like me, stand up on your own and don’t back down on your words. You told yourself to let go and not love him anymore… I hope you’ll be strong enough to stop that damn heart in getting swayed.
bro okay i literally had to put my phone down and clapped because damn shes so mature… “when i put down the love i had for him, i put every heavy thing with it including my resentment” GUUUURRRRRRLL HOLY SHJT
i needed this, all of this, just everything. he apologizes, she STOMPS on his feelings because he’s TRASSH and now the bitch cries, omg i love this so fucking much
Dude …… da fuk ……!!!! Go cry somewhere else
Such a lame guy, even if he truly feels sorry i hope he suffer a bit more, he genuine deserves it