I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 42
You don't have anything in histories
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No, he apologizes now she will love him again. She’s been asking to have just one person say sorry to her… Now he apologizes, and her heart will waver again.
Ok. At least he apologizes unlike her father and the other nobles. Still dislike him though
nevaeh looks at sheet of paper with balers apology
“oh wow this is worthless”
She finally got the apology she wanted from anyone. But at least now she’s with someone who genuinely wants to love her.
ahhhh the sound of wistrash groveling for forgiveness warms my heart <3 now all i need is nevea to be like 'you can be sorry all night and i'll still think your trash <3'
a guy can dream lol
Thank you for update this chapter..
I really love this manhwa.
I’ll wait the next part, I pretty sure its still half part of this chapter.
It’s too late my dear, coz I don’t love you anymore ?♀️