I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 36
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Actually the mother is the biggest villain of the 2 in this case
its watered down in this version but the mother spread more malicious rumours to force that marriage
not that the father aint bad but in this situation the mom takes the biggest blame
Basicly he refuses to awknowledge neveah cause doing so would say alot of the rumours are true just to safe the “HONOR” of the family name…..
💮 GORIL 💮(ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻(O゚皿゚O)
He ignored her because it was her fault he had to marry someone else so @marshmallow028 I don’t think she is a villian
Her father was forced to marry the maid who’s Nivea’s mom. That woman is the real villain
So the young one is 10 actually??
Reader is L
The translations are not bad… not great either. ?
Yeah the translation for this chapter is kind of bad. I’m a bit confused. So did her father make her mom, the maid, his first wife and then hated her when she was born? But it seems like her mom was a former maid but she didn’t give daughter any love. Hmmmm….