I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 20
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On a re-read but felt like clearing something up.
This only get briefly touched upon but not explained in this version.
Technically Neveah is his ligitimate daughter as her mother is the marchioness.
Her dad never cheated on anyone at this point so instead of calling it an affair its more like he had a fling with a maid(FL MOM).
Its her mother that spread baselss and fake rumors forcing him to marry her hinted at rumors like r*** etc.
So just to safe face he dont wanna awknoledge neveah as that would basicly admit those fake rumours where true.
Now the little sister yea she is also born out of wedlock but the bastard dad mistress is a noble lady.
I feel that way to sometimes, thinking about the family members that have done my wrong makes it hard to breathe and I just want to never see them again