I Don’t Love You Anymore - Chapter 16
You don't have anything in histories
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well her sister is cute
I love the Thousand Meters away from my fiance😍😍😍 damn my dear I fell in love
I feel sorry for the little sister. She hasn’t done anything wrong. There is literally no evidence of her being ‘a spoiled young lady.’ She is not mean to her sister, she doesn’t boss around the maids, nothing. people just seem to assume the worst of her when it’s her father that’s totally at fault.
I am hoping with how BusyPlant is commenting that this dude is like 1000x better than Wistrash over there
also omfggggg how is he so fucking dumb, aight bro, try and break the engagement. see if that does anything but make her fucking hate you
aaaahhhh, i just live for how joseph doesnt pull a single fucking punch. just “oh hiiii, i think your traaasssh and ive got more powweerr than you and i treat your ex beeettter than you, ahahaha suck wistrash~” its just, its just a thing of beauty. i need more manhwas where the ML’s throw hands like this. instead of “Im JEaLoUs! so im gonna BEAT ‘IM UP!!” what abt a ML like this who just fucking wrecks them with words alone, its just… its just a thing of beauty :’D
Couldn’t have said it any better :,D