I don’t know the original, I’m too busy trying to make a living - Chapter 26
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I love this story a lot! But honestly – why does Ahwin have to be her “ideal type” (all of a sudden)? *sigh*
Rereading, the original FL did two main things –
1: kill the Emperor, whos death ruined the economy due to the uncertainty.
2: made divine healing cheap so people didn’t need to rely on expensive potions which dropped the price of green herbs.
Seeing this was a novel beforehand, the Emperor was almost certainly involved in some dark magic scheme which would have killed half the nation to get immortality, or to invade half the known world or whatever evil scheme so the original FL likely had to stop him or more people would have died.
At the minimum, she was likely acting in self defense as well as revenge, which doesn’t lower the death toll of those starving, but does explain it.
For the second point, the current FL basically has a part in the potion monopoly which was leading to massive suffering throughout the empire since it wasn’t producing enough potions.
In the short term, the “greedy potion hoarders” go bankrupt and suffer, while people suffering illnesses get cured and overall boosts economy by having more workers, while in the longer run the duchy can pivot to other sources of wealth.
There are always losers and winners, and what might be good for the majority may be bad for individuals or even counties. It’s just that the current FL is one of the losers.
More chapter
Well we only heard about the after effect of the og FL. Its like the MC has completely ignored the story and the story has not forced her to be a hero. I know the MC will probably get into trouble if her city starts to become to profitable.
Anyway still I don’t get og FL, her main motive was revenge or status?? ML clearly is most op out of all leads are you telling me she dumped him despite that? 2nd ML she chose was illegitimate prince with nothing special….. Duke and ML at least got skills, with tower master she can get control over royalty….
that was cute the comment bubble, if only he could hear her thoughts on his face being her ideal type he’d be at cloud nine