Read manga I Don’t Have The Qualities to be a Saint, So I Decided to Aim to be The Last Boss!/ 聖女の素質がないので、ラスボスを目指すことにしました / Seijo no Soshitsu ga nai no de, Last Boss o Mezasu Koto ni Shimashita / I’m No Saint, So I’ll Become the Demon Lord!
Rina Amakusa is exhausted from her job at a black company. Guided by a voice, she enters the world of the game she loved and becomes a saint. She repeats the loop and tries to save the world, but when her beloved character is killed, her love for him turns to hatred. When love and hatred change her from a saint to a last boss, the “revenge” otherworldly fantasy begins!
- Chapter 21 February 8, 2025
- Chapter 20 February 8, 2025
- Chapter 19 February 8, 2025
- Chapter 18 February 8, 2025
- Chapter 17 January 14, 2025
- Chapter 16 December 31, 2024
- Chapter 15 December 22, 2024
- Chapter 14 December 20, 2024
- Chapter 13 December 17, 2024
- Chapter 12 December 15, 2024
- Chapter 11 December 12, 2024
- Chapter 10 December 8, 2024
- Chapter 9 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 8 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 7 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 6 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 5 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 4 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 3 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 2 December 6, 2024
- Chapter 1 December 6, 2024
Guys trust me I’m not crazy… I just lost a bet that’s all. Yeah that’s it. I’m not crazy guys
Oh my goodness! The revenge story is just so preciously cute~ I absolutely adore the way her mind works. It’s so utterly and beautifully uhinged, how she doesn’t just swiftly end their miserable lives~ It’s so adorably cute, how she makes them desperately beg for mercy, the way she dissects their tender wimpers and pleas for death as they writhe and scream. It just makes my heart flutter~ Oh and the way she deals with her scumbag parents, it’s even more precious~ She lovingly snipped and carved them up with scissors, slowly and surely making them feel the excruciating pain, never granting them the sweet release of death, before burning them alive. Isn’t that just so precious~ And those pesky hypocritical heroes, it’s even more adorble how she deals with them. Oh the way she sweetly exploits their twisted personalities and sense of justice to give them what they’d consider a fate worse than death~ Awh it’s so endearing the way she just completely breaks them, picking them off one by one, slowly and delibrately toying with them till they break and repeating it over, again and again, until her cute little heart is satisfied and content. She’s such a cute little darling. I just adore her personality, it’s simply to die for~
caughtredhanded CYBB fans
From a guy not that it matters- Weasel Batches Matty Bites. Pretty Trash is still trash
this is definitely the worst movie of 2020 so far and seeing how most movies are being delayed i’m pretty sure that this film is going to continue to hold that title most people know the the plot of this film because it’s tick-tock famous i guess or it was essentially this movie is about some guy getting a boner about a girl he saw on the beach he becomes obsessed with her to the point where he kidnaps this woman and this whole movie is just about him trying to get this random lady to sleep with him you know a guy trying to sleep with a woman sounds like the plot to a romantic comedy but the difference here is that he’s holding this woman against her will and this guy isn’t supposed to be an antagonist he’s one of the main protagonists but he’s just so rapey it’s weird and it’s uncomfortable to watch especially since we’re supposed to sympathize with this person he just looks like a smelly douchebag and every time i saw him on the screen i wanted to slap him disturbingly i’ve seen people justify his actions because he never technically forced himself on her he’s a good guy because he waited before she gave him her consent yeah just ignoring the fact that he kidnapped her and he’s pushed her against the wall multiple times and made out with her without her giving consent i mean for all we know this woman has stockholm syndrome all the signs are there it honestly feels like a fifty shades of grey version of the film berlin syndrome speaking of 50 shades of grey i would have to say that that movie is better than this one don’t get me wrong both are complete dog [ __ ] but at least the bland cutout fantasy guy in that movie didn’t kidnap the main girl so what are the other characters like well the main female lead is pretty bland her story is that her boyfriend or husband or whatever doesn’t pay much attention to her never seen that before we don’t know what she likes we don’t know what her interests are i’m gonna have to assume that the female leads in these type of movies are always super bland is because a woman watching this wants to put herself in that position or at least that’s what the director wants them to do it’s the same reason why the female leads in twilight and 50 shades of grey are also incredibly bland and boring instead of taking you out of reality and putting you in this fantasy through clever writing instead what they do is that they make these characters voided of any personality so the people watching it can insert themselves in the film these type of characters are known as audience surrogates and it is one of the most lazy writing tropes who ever exist hey we have a bunch of sex in the movie that sells might as well just roll with that and while we’re at it just make any of the characters void of any personality because it doesn’t matter we have sex in here the only character’s name i remember is mario he’s like the butler or the bodyguard for uh mr rapey mario is probably my favorite character from the film just simply due to the fact that the actor in every single scene looks like he doesn’t want to be there there’s other characters like the female leads best friend and the male leads brother they’re also incredibly boring the dialogue is complete ass [Music] some of the most cheesy cliche dialogue i’ve ever heard and yeah some of it is so bad it’s funny but most of it is painful anyone that cringes that baby girl has never been in a real relationship well i watched this movie with my girlfriend and every time the guy uttered are you lost baby girl we both cringed pretty hard it’s the most cubby dick babe read a [ __ ] book yes there are couples out there that call each other baby girl or baby boy but those are the couples that us normal people make fun of believe it or not though there are actually some good things that come from this movie i appreciate any film that includes other languages you know it’s not just everyone in the universe speaks english just adding other languages makes a film feel more authentic and i will admit some of the shots in this film are actually pretty decent and i can tell the actors are talented unfortunately for them they were given a pretty garbage script maybe a new shite movie will emerge this year but you know i i think that this is pretty heavy competition for the worst movie of 2020 so far
Fucking love this so much. Revenge is swift yet everlastingly satisfying 12 chapters in.
fk this reincarnation novel shit..gonna start genocide and massacre everything.-this manhwa/manga
iiiiii love this!!!! THIS is how you do a game reincarnation! Get transported, die and reset everytime but she felt the pain of it every time, run out of options and then decides to be the final boss instead! Fk yeah!
Wow, this is a good revenge regression story. The Hero died thousands of times trying to get to the ending but when the only hope she had finally killed her it broke her. Now she does not care able the ending but revenge against everything that caused her many deaths.
Wow, pretty good star, real one that really became a villian